
Das paixões... de Sócrates e Alcibíades em comunhão com Nick Cave...

Do amor é sempre belo falar seja ficção ou realidade. A Carta entre Sócrates e Alcibíades ficcionada por Miguel Real (pseudónimo) é bonita. Nick Cave que adoro tem esta belíssima canção de um amor triste como a tristeza que se observa em Sócrates. Esta carta fez-me recordar o Retrato de Dorian Gray.
"Amar cansa. Sinto-me exausto e preguiçoso, perdidamente mole sempre que apelo para minha antiga redentora palavra. Embora cansado, forço-me a escrever-te: quero que este couro fino guarde silenciosamente pelos futuros séculos a recordação de um certo Sócrates diferente, loucamente encantado de um Alcibíades moreno, cuja paixão o desviou de livre vontade da busca do raciocínio reflectido".
Miguel Real, Carta de Sócrates a Alcibíades, seu vergonhoso amante, Editora Licorne, 2010, (2ª edição) p.32


The cops are hanging around the house
The cars outside look like they've got the blues
The moon don't know if it's day or night
Everybody's creeping around with plastic covers on their shoes
You're making coffee for everyone concerned
Someone points to this and someone points to that
Everyone is saying that you should lie down
But you ain't having none of that
And I say to the sleepy summer rain
With a complete absence of pain
You might think I'm crazy
But I'm still in love with you

Hide your eyes, hide your tears,
Hide your face, my love
Hide your ribbons, hide your bows
Hide your coloured cotton gloves
Hide your trinkets, hide your treasures
Hide your neatly scissored locks
Hide your memories, hide them all
Stuff them in a cardboard box
Or throw them into the street below
Leave them to the wind and the rain and the snow
For you might think I'm crazy
But I'm still in love with you

Call me up, baby, and I will answer your call
Call me up but remember I am no use to you at all

Now, you're standing at the top of the stairs
One hand on the banister, a flower in your hair
The other one resting on your hip
Without a solitary care
I fall to sleep in the summer rain
With no single memory of pain
And you might think I'm crazy
But I'm still in love with you

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